By Eric D. Williams on Tuesday, 22 December 2020
Category: Expert

Where we are and where we're going

InfoBro - An Origin Story

Curiosity feeds desire and that desire focuses passion. Passion drives success. 

"InfoBro" - Eric Dana Williams

As of 2020 it has been 25 years since the inception of  The idea of was not born in 1995, the activity that led to the birth of that concept was born during an escalating momentum in telecommunications diversification, standards development and the commercialization of TCP/IP beginning in the early '90s.  During that time the nascent ARPANET became the commodity internetwork we know today.  I was involved with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), at a fundamental level, developing standards for protocol implementation of TCP/IP based protocols, with the likes of Dave Crocker, Marshall T. Rose and others in various working groups.  I still recall holding a conversation at the Spring InterOP '92 conference in Washington DC, with Vint Cerf and later that same year Dave Farber, as seminal moments in focusing my path and adding to my connections, so here we are.

The platform was started in part to enable a pathway from the 'hood to the homepage, but, also to inculcate into the general internetworked community, the vital need to establish trusted communications channels, protocols and security paradigms across the gamut of tools, both physical and virtual and to maintain visibility and manageability of the burgeoning growth.  After engagement to update practices and policy in Federal entities[1] at the turn of the century, cybersecurity subject matter areas became fully expressed.  The work continues to close the digital divide, promote security, privacy and to aid the development of the cybersecurity talent pool.  

This blog, the re-christened infoSource, will be a platform for insight into where we're going not only as but also as a community of users, consumers and practitioners.  If you choose to subscribe to infoSource you will remain up-to-date on the latest telecommunications, computer and software security issues (well at least as fast as I can keep up) from the perspective of my 25+ year endeavor to enable the most successful implementation of interoperable technologies the world has begun to understand.

Stay aware and stay tuned. Subscribe.


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