
infoSource is a cybersecurity newsletter. By subscribing to infoSource you will remain up-to-date on the latest in communication, computer and software cybersecurity issues.

The Cyber Neighborhood Watch

 Transparency is not the same as disclosure. At this point, there's no indication that any classified networks were penetrated, although that could change easily. It will take years to learn which networks the SVR has penetrated, and where it still has access. Much of that will probably be classified, which means that we, the public, will neve...

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Everyone Uses A Supply Chain

How does the idea of a "supply chain attack" affect regular folk?  Everyone uses a supply chain and because nothings perfect, especially internet technology, everyone is subject to supply chain attacks.  But, what can you do about it? I'm going to take this to a higher level less specific than what has been recently discuss...

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A framework for mitigating social media MADNESS

It's not what you say it's how it's perceived  The matter of social media and cognitive affective neuroscience has been in the public eye and the discussion of the its impact, recently, has been accelerating. As dramatically portrayed as biography in The Social Network and aptly unpacked as a docudrama in The Social Dilemma, there ar...

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