
infoSource is a cybersecurity newsletter. By subscribing to infoSource you will remain up-to-date on the latest in communication, computer and software cybersecurity issues.

It's almost always delicious, especially with Eggs.

Should you trust the hash?  I like breakfast with eggs and hash, but that's not the question. As a food recipe hash is an amalgam of various delicious elements brought together. Meat, potatoes and fried onions that's food "hashery."  A chef can get really fancy with a culinary hash recipe, and this paradigm also includes the algorithms us...

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  1103 Hits

But That's Why I Have A Firewall, Right?

Protection versus Defense Recently, and across subject matter areas, there has been discussion on how to protect and defend against the scourge of cyberattacks. Understanding the application of these words in context is a starting point for establishing the right cybersecurity antidote. "It's not one or the other, it's both." - The InfoBro Fir...

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  2978 Hits

Didn't I See You Before?

Don't Get Faked Out. Part 1 A deepfake takes a combination of machine learning ("deep learning") and artificial intelligence to create synthetic media. Over the past few years the quality and ease of creation of deepfake video content has accelerated. Skepticism, as a point of view, isn't a bad thing. The InfoBro Deepfakes are getting better and ea...

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  1252 Hits

Can we stop saying Zero-day?

Zero-day Is When Discovery "Happens" Not What It Is. I've long been of the mindset that doesn't agree with the term "zero-day" exploit or vulnerability. Where the only party to whom it applies seems to be the victim or defender. It's a term of art I think is flawed.  Let's go a little deeper so you can understand where I'm coming from on ...

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  1155 Hits

What Is Zero Trust?

I only trust what I already know I can. I'm old school, but, I've never stopped being an innovator. There's a buzzwordy construction of paradigms that has taken the entire technologically driven world by storm. Referred to as 'Zero Trust' (ZT) this strategy is in fact a concept as old as peer-to-peer computing itself. The security consideration is ...

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  1168 Hits

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